Hồ sơ công ty

Thông tin công ty

Apollo Education&Training Organization Viet Nam

HGI, Vietnam

Web: www.apolloedutrain.com

Mô tả công ty:

Apollo has been in Vietnam since 1994 and is the first foreign owned education and training organisation to be licensed by the Vietnamese Government. Apollo’s Northern Region head office was officially opened in 1998 by HRH Prince Andrew and the Vietnamese Minister of Education & Training, Nguyen Minh Hien. Apollo’s Southern Region head office was opened in 2002 by HRH Princess Anne. The company has been recognised for it’s achievements by both the British and Vietnamese Governments. In 2005 the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training presented their highest award, the “For the Cause of Education” medal, to Mr. Khalid Muhmood, co-founded of Apollo. The award was given in recognition of Apollo’s contribution to the development of education and training in Vietnam over the previous ten years. It is the first time this medal has been awarded to a foreigner in the private sector.Apollo has four main service lines: English Language Training, Business Skills Training, Overseas Study Services and Professional & Academic Qualifications. Apollo’s Professional & Academic Qualifications Division was established in 2005 with the aim of bringing internationally recognised qualifications to Vietnam.

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