Hồ sơ công ty

Thông tin công ty

AIA Vietnam

HGI, Vietnam


Mô tả công ty:

AIA Vietnam – Aiming higher with a long-term commitment AIA Vietnam, a 100% foreign owned life insurance company, is a member company of American International Group, Inc. (AIG), with over 400 employees and 20,000 agents in Vietnam. AIA has gradually extended operations through 21 offices in 19 cities and provinces across the country. The head office is in Ho Chi Minh City, with three branch offices in Hanoi, Da Nang and Can Tho. AIA Vietnam has officially started its operation in Vietnam since August 2000, offering a wide range of life insurance products and services. AIA Vietnam’s products are carefully researched and designed to meet with various needs and demands of customers including saving, education, retirement and protection. By the end of 2004, AIA Vietnam has served 200,000 customers. AIA Vietnam is the recipient of 2 Golden Dragon Awards for professional business style and high quality services. With a long-term commitment in Vietnam, AIA has always actively devoted to organizing and participating in charity and social activities to support the community through out the country. The total sponsorship in 2004 amounted to 100,000 USD.

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