Hồ sơ công ty

Thông tin công ty
Asean Fan
32 D5, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District
HCM, Vietnam

Web: http://aseanfan.com/

Mô tả công ty:


Meet and handle a variety of projects in the categories related to the most advanced techniques in implementing 3D Graphic, App development of SmartPhone, Web development and Game development.

The technology world is always a highly stimulating field, always innovating at an incredibly fast pace. Applying advanced techniques in the technology world, our company is currently providing, supporting, developing in many areas: "Game Development," "Developing Web Services Providers", "App Development of SmartPhone", and "Implementing 3D Graphic". Step by step we go beyond the limits of work, supply and handle a variety of projects.

Tuyển dụng của Asean Fan
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Số lượng công việc mỗi trang

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Không có thông tin tuyển dụng nào đáp ứng các tiêu chí mà bạn tìm kiếm