Hồ sơ công ty

Thông tin công ty


HGI, Vietnam

Web: audio4fun.com

Mô tả công ty:

Our company was established in 2000 and throughout many years of operation in multimedia software field, we have partnered with several well-established localization companies in Europe and Asia. For more information upon our major software products, please visit our official website: http://www.audio4fun.com/.We offer a challenging, fast-paced and youthful working environment to our staff together with competitive compensation and great benefits. Join us and you will enter one of the most dynamic business environments - the Ecommerce of the software industry – and gain real experience in the software developing, publishing and marketing with connection to global market.

Tuyển dụng của AVSOFT CORP.
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Số lượng công việc mỗi trang

Không có thông tin tuyển dụng nào đáp ứng các tiêu chí mà bạn tìm kiếm

Không có thông tin tuyển dụng nào đáp ứng các tiêu chí mà bạn tìm kiếm